Some information to introduce you to the world of cigars humidor
Introduction to Humidors
The preservation of cigars is essential to maintain their organoleptic qualities over time. Poor storage can compromise the smoking experience, causing combustion issues and a bitter taste.
Cigar Preservation
There are two fundamental parameters for proper cigar preservation: humidity and temperature.
The ideal relative humidity for cigars should be maintained between 65% and 70%, with a temperature between 16 and 18°C. To ensure this level, a humidor is used, which is a wooden box equipped with a humidifier filled with distilled or demineralized water.
- A cigar with humidity below 50% tends to dry out, losing its essential oils and becoming flat in flavor.
- A cigar with humidity above 70% swells, making smoking difficult and giving a bitter taste.
Temperature is an important but more indirect parameter. If too low, it slows down the maturation of the cigar, while temperatures above 20°C accelerate this process excessively, damaging the preservation.
Types of Wood for Humidors
The humidor is mainly made from three types of wood:
Spanish Cedar: Imported from Brazil and Latin America, it protects against pests, absorbs moisture, and enhances the aging process, improving the aroma.
American Red Cedar: Less absorbent and more aromatic than Spanish cedar, it can alter the cigar's aroma in the long term.
Honduras Mahogany: It has similar properties to Spanish cedar but with a less intense aroma and inferior protection against pests.
Humidor Structure
There are two main variants:
MD (medium density) plywood: With an interior made of Spanish cedar and an exterior finish in solid wood, usually cherry wood.
Solid wood: Entirely made of solid wood and lined internally with Spanish cedar.
Humidors made of plywood offer greater stability to humidity variations, reducing the risk of warping.
Humidor Features
A good humidor must guarantee:
An efficient humidification system.
An interior lining made of Spanish cedar with adequate thickness.
Good ventilation to ensure air circulation.
Sturdy and durable hinges.
A reliable hygrometer, preferably with a synthetic hair mechanism.
Ideal Humidity
The ideal humidity level for cigars is between 68% and 74%. Cigars that are too dry burn quickly and take on a bitter taste, while those that are too humid suffer from uneven combustion and a heavy taste.
Types of Humidifiers
Sponge humidifiers: Use a propylene glycol solution to maintain humidity.
Acrylic polymer humidifiers: More recent and effective, they stabilize humidity around 70-72%.
Use and Maintenance of Humidifiers
Acrylic polymer humidifiers need to be refilled with distilled water once a month. Sponge humidifiers require a special propylene glycol solution, which prevents the formation of pests and bacteria and stabilizes humidity.
Analog hygrometers are divided into three types:
Spring-based: Inexpensive but less accurate.
Natural hair-based: More accurate but requires maintenance.
Synthetic hair-based: Highly accurate and maintenance-free.